What Does it Take to Break a Heart? (August 2013)
- a profile of three-time nobel peace prize nominee, kathy kelly
In Remembrance of Things Lost (July 2012)
- regarding the violence of economic sanctions
The Killing (May 2011)
- on the killing of osama bin laden
A Pacifist Critique of Obama’s Nobel Lecture (December 2009)
- the fragility (or is it a hardness?) of the human heart
On the Right of Resistance (July 2009)
- the imperative right of resistance to violence in palestine
Gazans Resist by Surviving (November 2008)
- a profile of daily life in gaza
“Nam, Nehnu Nastatyeh!” is Arabic for “Yes, We Can!” (October 2008)
- breaking through the israeli blockade of gaza
For Israel's Security... Zainab Fawqi-Sleem and the Question of Lebanon (August 2006)
- on war and racism against lebanon
The Distance from Guernica to Lebanon (July 2006)
- regarding the u.s. position in the war against lebanon
Where Now, America? (April 2003)
- questions for the u.s. after the invasion of iraq
This Present Moment (March 2003)
- living in baghdad on the eve of war
Peacefully Challenged in Palestine (February 2002)
- planting trees (and more?) in palestine
Caught in the DMZ (February 2002)
- living without hope on the iraq-kuwait border
A Blessing in Baghdad (November 2001)
- unfolding your heart to the joy all around you
40 Days Without Food (September 2001)
- against the iraq sanctions: a fast for 'good' americans
Prison and Protest - What Democracy Looks Like (April 2000)
- protesting globalization, going to jail